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TDN,由葡萄中前趨物所形成。所謂的前趨物,是存在於葡萄中一稱為類胡蘿蔔素的化合物。這些化合物在葡萄中至少有十幾種,大致可以分為兩類:胡蘿蔔素和葉黃素。隨著葡萄成熟,這類化合物在葡萄中的含量不斷增加,並在發酵過程中經過化學反應後逐漸釋放TDN。葡萄中類胡蘿蔔素含量越高,意味著葡萄酒中的 TDN 也越高。在葡萄酒裝瓶後,葡萄酒中亦會存在大量前趨物,這些前趨物隨著陳釀過程慢慢釋放 TDN

紐約康乃爾大學的Gavin Sacks 和其同事們於2012年發表一篇關於TDN濃度的研究。這個研究發現,RieslingTDN明顯高於其它品種所釀的葡萄酒。值得一提的是,年輕的Riesling即便有TDN所帶來的汽油味,但豐富的果香往往會覆蓋這個味道,這也是讓品飲者覺得年輕Riesling的汽油味較不明顯的主因。若比較澳洲和舊世界Riesling,澳洲Riesling TDN的含量通常較高。數據顯示,歐洲Riesling的典型含量為 1-50 微克/升,但澳洲Riesling TDN的含量可高達 250 微克/升,有時甚至更高。



陽光暴晒是關鍵因素:研究指出,任何高於 20% 的葡萄全日照照射都會提高葡萄酒中的 TDN。此外,TDN 前趨物濃度還取決於葡萄樹管理方式,例如葡萄串落葉、土壤施肥、灌溉和葡萄樹無性繁殖母株的選擇。由於全球氣候變遷,使得平均氣溫升高,以及增加葡萄樹暴露在陽光下的時間,這些因素都可能加劇Riesling葡萄酒中 TDN 的形成。葡萄酒裝瓶後,其他因素包括瓶中陳年時間、儲存溫度和 pH (較高的酸度)均會影響葡萄酒中TDN濃度。當葡萄酒酸度較高時,可為TDN 糖基化前體的酸水解提供更酸的環境;而較高的溫度則提高了反應速率。一些研究還發現,酵母菌株的選擇與葡萄栽培相結合可能會產生一定的影響。有趣的是,研究人員也發現,使用螺旋蓋會增加TDN濃度。根據 Tarasov 及其同事的研究發現,軟木塞和合成瓶蓋在裝瓶後的頭兩年內會消耗超過 50% TDN。換句話說,通過選擇瓶蓋其實可以管理葡萄酒中的TDN 濃度呢!


目前TDN 是德國釀酒師最關心的問題。釀酒師們一直嘗試不同的樹冠管理方法,藉此降低TDN濃度過高的風險。過去他們會摘除結果區所有葉子,以降低疾病壓力(例如:發霉)。現在他們改為分階投進行摘葉,嘗試留下一些外部葉子作為保護,並採摘內部葉子,以產生氣流,同時保留一些陰涼處。

Petrol/Kerosene Aroma of Riesling

Introduction of TDN

TDN, (1,1,6,-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronapthalene), a group of compounds called C13-norisoprenoids. It is formed from precursors in the grapes, which are a group of compounds present in grapes called carotenoids.

There are at least a dozen of them in grapes and they fall into two categories: carotenes and xanthophylls. Levels of these compounds build up in the grapes and then after veraison they break down to form the C13-norisoprenoids. This group includes the precursors to TDN, and they undergo a chemical modification known as glycosylaytion, which involves adding a sugar. This creates a reservoir of bound compounds in the grape juice that can then release TDN during fermentation. Higher levels of caretonoids in grapes means more TDN in the wine. Then, after the wine is bottled, there is a pool of precursors in the wine that can later release TDN during ageing.

In a study published in 2012, Gavin Sacks and colleagues from Cornell University in New York State looked at the thresholds of tasters to TDN, and also measured concentrations in a number of wines. They found the TDN concentrations were significantly higher in Riesling than in other varietal wines, at 6.4 μg/L, compared with an average of 1.3 μg/L for the other wines. Peoples’ thresholds were 2 μg/L, which is ten times lower than the previously reported odour threshold. So this meant that 27 of the 28 Riesling wines (aged 1-3 years) were over this threshold, while only 7 of the 69 wines from other varieties were over this level.

Detection threshold (4 μg/L): the lowest level at which a stimulus can be detected but not recognized

Recognition threshold (10-12 μg/L): it can be detected and recognized

Rejection threshold (71-82 μg/L): where the wine is rejected as faulty

This study indicates that half the population should be able to perceive TDN in most Riesling wines. However, the fruity characteristics of young wines can mask TDN, so that even if you can perceive it, you might not recognize it. Australian Riesling can often have higher levels even in young wines. Typical levels in European Rieslings would be 1-50 μg/l, but Australian Riesling can have levels as high as 250 μg/l, and sometimes even higher.

Influent Factors of the TDN concentration

Sun exposure & water stress are the two main factors which lead to higher levels of precursors. Sun exposure is the key factor: anything higher than 20% full sun exposure of the grapes raises TDN in the wine. The quantity of TDN precursors also depends on the viticulture practices such as grape clusters defoliation, soil fertilization, water irrigation, and the selection of vine clones. Global climate change, warmer temperatures, and higher sun exposure of the grapes may intensify formation of TDN in the succeeding Riesling wines. Once the wine is bottled, other factors can raise the level, including bottle age, storage temperature and pH value (higher acidity). When the wine has higher acidity, TDN develops more quickly. The possible explanation of such effects may be that lower pH provides a more acidic environment for acid hydrolysis of glycosylated precursors of TDN, and warmer temperature increases the rate of the reaction. Some studies also found that selection of yeast strains may have certain effects in combination with viticultural practices. Interestingly, using screwcaps can result in higher TDN levels because studies from Tarasov and colleagues have found that cork and synthetic closures scalp more than 50% of the TDN in the first two years after bottling. On the other hand, through selection of bottle closures can manage the TDN level in wine well.

TDN is a major concern to winemakers in Germany at this moment, because they have been experiencing warmer, drier summers. Karsten Peter, at Gut Hermannsberg in the Nahe, says they have been experimenting with different approaches to leaf plucking as a way to lower the risk of TDN, which they are very concered about. Typically they will remove all the leaves in the fruiting zone to keep disease pressure low. Now, they do a staged leaf pluck. And they are trialling leaving some outer leaves as a sort of umbrella, but picking just the inside leaves, to create airflow but keep some shade.



[1] Introducing TDN, a compound responsible for petrol aromas in Riesling and other white wines – wineanorak.com

[2] 1,1,6-Trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) Sensory Thresholds in Riesling Wine - PMC (nih.gov)

[3] TDN, (1,1,6,-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronapthalene) | Waterhouse Lab (ucdavis.edu)

[4] What do we know about the kerosene-petrol aroma in Riesling wines (infowine.com)


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目前雪莉已通過WSET L3 (台灣可拿到的最高證書)、WSG 之FWS和SWS。現在就來分享這一路讀書喝酒的心得吧!

WSET 和WSG為兩個不同的葡萄酒教育證證系統,WSET成立於1969年,目前已有50年歷史囉!這個來自英國的認證系統一開始著重在葡萄酒和烈酒,爾後才有清酒的認證。WSG則成立於2005年,目前約有15年史,創辦人為了在美國推展法國酒貿易和教育,因而創辦了此機構。兩大認證已慢慢走入酒業裡頭,也成為這個行業專業的代名詞。

* WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust): 認證分為葡萄酒、烈酒、清酒,但雪莉只愛葡萄酒,所以這裡來分享一下從WSET L1-L3的心得囉!

--〉上課機構(台灣): AOW、台灣酒研、圓頂市集。

--〉難度:WSET L3 


從課本厚度應該可以看出:L1課程相當輕鬆,印象中只上了一堂課就考試,難度不大。L2則要稍微記點東西了,如果捧友們跟雪莉一樣非科班人員,可能至少要花個一兩星期把課本看熟。而L2到L3就有一段相當大的差距,要背的東西超級多~~雪莉在這個考試吃了相當多苦頭,連考三次不過後,我決定重新找另一個老師再上一次課,希望透過第二次上課找到自己的癥結點,這時遇見了學識淵博且幽默的MW Mark Pygott,Mark相當注重觀念的融會貫通,例如:河流對葡萄園帶來什麼影響?河流的流動會帶動空氣的流動、河流會反射陽光,增加葡萄成熟度、河流會調節溫度,當你了解這個觀念時,再回到有河流的產區如法國的Loire、德國的Mosel,馬上就可以明白,完全不用死記。而且這樣的方法對於問答題非常有幫助,問答題的題目通常很大,你的答案一定要有邏輯。舉例:勃根地主要紅葡萄品種為何,答案是Pinot Noir,但你的答案不能只寫Pinot Noir,要寫出為什麼是Pinot Noir,分數才會高!!


  • 每一個產區,最重要的方是天、地、人,這三個要素造就了該產區的獨特性,例如:香檳區位於葡萄可成熟的北界,氣候寒冷,成熟期短,所以只能選早熟品種;此外,寒冷氣候也意謂著葡萄生長緩慢,可以保有酸度和香氣,所以香檳區的品種才會是以芳香型品種PN為主(~38%);而此區特殊土壤chalk,排水性良好,增加了葡萄成熟可能性。當你把每一個國家、每一個產區的天、地、人搞清楚,就成功一半了。
  • 除此之外,雪莉相當建議要準備考試的捧友們,去把每個國家的葡萄酒地圖下載印出來吧!看著地圖讀書,是雪莉還是學生時養成的習慣,有了地圖,每個地名開始會在你的腦海裡出現相對位置,而這些位置也正是影響每個產區的重要因素之一。我也會習慣把重點寫在地圖上,這樣就可以利用零碎時間複習,不用帶著一本厚重的書到處趴趴走。
  • 如果有餘力,雪莉也建議3-4人組成小組讀書會,讀書會成員不要太多,太多反而沒效率,而且也容易遇到有人沒準備的情況。讀書會可以在考前2個月開始,一開始先把進度擬好,按你們時間決定每次讀書會長度,雪莉當時的讀書會是4個人,因為大家都是上班族,所以我們固定週末聚在一起讀書,複習完進度後也互相考試,這個模式對於突破自我盲點相當有效。
  • 刷考古題:網路上雖然可以找到的考古題不多,但還是可以找得到。考古題不是增加你考試成續的,而是讓你了解出題方向!



* WSG (Wine Scholar Guid): 認證主要為葡萄酒,目前分為法國(FWS)、義大利(IWS)、西班牙(SWS);另外大師班則針對特定產區,如:Bordeaux、Bourgogne、Alsace等

--〉上課機構(台灣): 台灣酒研或線上課程



跟WSET L3的課本相比,FWS 和SWS厚度差不多,但是卡大本~~FWS考試雪莉也是考了兩次才通過。第一次太大意,想說都唸過WSET L3了,單一國家應該不難吧!而且還全部選擇題耶!如果你是抱著這種心態的話,還是先別上考場好了。雖然FWS/SWS只有單一個國家,但對於法國/西班牙所有產區中,遠從歷史,近從天、地、人,都得熟記,而且雪莉是個法文/西文苦手,對於地名完全沒轍,如果不會唸的話,根本記不住。就在我很苦惱的某一天,突然想起了電視上常出現的gogoXXng 英語教學,這教學是用諧音來幫助學生記住英語發音,我就用了這種方法,把所有產區重要AOC全部記下了!

例如:Cote de Nuits重要村莊(由北至南)

Marsanny-Fixin-Gevrey Chambertin-Morey St Denis-Chambolle Musigny-Vouget-Vosne Romanee-Nuits St George

馬上(看到)-愣了(台語 )- (開始)想不停 - (只好去拜託)St Denis(來幫忙)-(讓St Denis) 忙死了(台語)-(他覺得你)沒救了- (只好去)羅馬-(找另一個聖人)St George


FWS & SWS開宗明義就有說,每個產區都得記,尤其是有""need-to know icon (課本上有標三角形驚嘆號)"的地方,占大多數比例(75%)的題目來自於Alsace、Champagne、Bourgogne、Beaujolais、Bordeaux、Loire、Rhone,這幾個產區請讀超過3次但不代表其它產區不重要,像雪莉這次就遇到許多Languedoc-Roussillon的題目,因為不夠熟悉,還是有答錯幾題。


* 心得:讀WSET的心情有點像是藉著葡萄酒作著書本環遊世界,而讀FWS對雪莉來說比較像是增廣見聞,書本對於各產區的描述相當詳細,兩者對於雪莉而言,都是讀完之後就好想去旅行啊!

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In recent years, more and more people fall in love with natural wines. They claim drinking natural wines is healthier than commercial wines (use conventional farming). For example, less artificial chemicals residue, lighter hangover and so on. In September, Shin asked me if I can provide any opinion about “natural wine” based on my scientific background when I ate lunch with my friends in his restaurant. Frankly speaking, I have limited experience about natural wines. To avoid any ideological argument, I try to survey relative activities and resources to obtain more knowledge/introduction about natural wines. It is so lucky that two activities “does biodynamic really matter” and “Buvons Natura” are held in November.


Let’s talk about this activity “does biodynamic really matter”: it is held by Sunshine Town. A senior wine marketing expert Anna Lucic was invited to share her experience and opinion about different wines. In this activity Anna began with the definition and fermentation process. So I follow her thinking model to give more explanations.




At first, let’s see the definition. According to Table 1 [1-4], we can separate two parts to discuss: vineyards (grape growing) and wineries (wine making). The most difference in vineyards among commercial wine, organic wine and biodynamic wine are farming. For example, in comparison with conventional farming, farmers choose not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organism, antibiotics and growth hormones to produce organic products. These farmers firmly believe that organic method is more environment friendly, especially for soil, plants and people. To discuss furthermore, I found some scientific investigations about conventional, organic and biodynamic farming.

Crystal Smith-Spangler et.al [5] tried to summarize the papers about organic & conventional products, which were published in the period of 1966 to 2009. In this paper, comparative health outcomes, nutrition, and safety of organic & conventional foods were discussed. Some interesting conclusions were found: 1. Conventional produce has a 30% higher risk for pesticide contamination than organic produce. But it is still unclear in the clinical significance because the difference in risk for contamination with pesticide residue exceeding maximum allowed limits may be small. 2. Both organic and conventional animal products were commonly contaminated with Salmonella & Campylobacter species. Organic produce has a higher risk for contamination with E. Coli if animal waste was used in the farm.

L. Carpenter-Boggs et. al [6] investigated the soil biology of organic and biodynamic management. The results indicated that both organic and biodynamic farming would increase soil microbial biomass, respiration, dehydrogenase activity, MinC, earthworm population and biomass. But there is no difference in the soils fertilized.

Daniel Granato et. al [7] further investigated the characterization of conventional, biodynamic, and organic purple grape juices by chemical markers, antioxidant capacity, and instrumental taste profile. They found the juices from these three crop system have no statistical difference in chemical composition.

In short summary, these investigations demonstrated that conventional farming truly has higher risk for chemical contamination, but this point has not been proved in clinic. Conversely, Organic farming may result in higher risk for contamination with E. Coli. Meanwhile, organic and biodynamic management truly resulted in more biodiversity. However, these farming methods have no significant effect on the grape juice.



After discussing the vineyards, let’s talk about the wine making in wineries (here we only discuss commercial wine followed the laws/rules in old world, organic wine and natural wine).

Using the point of chemical reaction to see wine making, no matter which farming is used in the vineyards, the only chemical reaction of wine making is glucose converted into alcohol by yeasts. In this process, the main difference among commercial wine, organic wine and natural wine are artificial additives. For many commercial wines, chemical additives are allowed to use to mass produce qualified wines. In USA, wine makers can add more than 60 legal additives in the wine [8]. Most of these additives are also allowed to use in EU. Common chemical additives in wines are sulfide, cultured yeast, tannin, sugar, and chemicals used in fining & clarification [9]. Conversely, organic and natural wine makers emphasize that they don’t or just add very limited additives in their wines, which may produce healthier wines. They even claim that these chemical additives would result in some symptoms like allergic reaction, hangover and so on. Additionally, these wine makers also emphasize these “nonchemical intervention” would be more natural and could reflect terroir faithfully. However, it's crucial to note that "nonchemical intervention" doesn't mean an absence of intervention entirely. Wine growing and winemaking across all categories is precise, painstaking labor, and it's extraordinarily so in natural wine [10]. The natural terroir actually include flaws as well.

Since many people criticize these additives, I would like to discuss two common additives here: sulfite and cultured yeast.

Sulfite: Sulfite (SO2) began to be added to wine in the late nineteenth century, following the emergence of the petrochemical industry. Sulfites are used for several purposes throughout the winemaking process; they kill unwanted bacteria, prevent spoilage by bacteria, inhibit the process of oxidation, serve as a stabilizer in bottles of wine and keep wines fresh. The medical research has demonstrated few percentage people have allergy to sulfite. Table 3 is the concentration (ppm) of sulfites in food and beverage. As can be seen in the table, if these people who claim the sulfite in wine would lead to their uncomfortable body reaction, then they can’t eat freeze dried peas either. Another accusation against sulfites is hangover. Many people claim organic/natural wine are hangover free because of lower sulfites. This claim hasn’t obtained any scientific demonstration. Published literature has not yet established any links between the presence of sulfite and headache. Again, if the sulfites in wines (<350 ppm) would cause headache, dried fruit (1000 ppm sulfite) would have higher risk [14].

Yeast (Cultured & wild): Yeasts play a very important rule in wine making. They not only influence on the fermentation, but also add extra flavors into wines. The most common yeast associated with winemaking is Saccharomyces cerevisiae which has been favored due to its predictable and vigorous fermentation capabilities, tolerance of relatively high levels of alcohol and sulfur dioxide as well as its ability to thrive in normal wine pH between 2.8 and 4 [13]. However, many organic/natural wine makers would emphasize they use wild yeasts instead of cultured yeasts to produce more ‘terroir’ wines. Here there are two points that I would like to discuss.

1.    For wine makers, cultured yeasts are well known and easier to control the fermentation time and flavors. In comparison, the fermentation process is uncontrollable and inefficient if the wild yeasts are used. The only way to identify the fermentation level is to determine constantly the alcohol concentration.

2.    Not only wild yeasts but also many other microorganisms exist in nature. Another concern of using wild yeasts is that it may also force other microorganisms (e.g., Acetobacter aceti) participate in fermentation. This would result in uncomfortable flavors in the wine. Based on the previous discussion, organic food has higher risk for contamination with E. Coli. If the wine makers don’t use sulfites, the wine is easy to deteriorate.



1.    Conventional farming: higher risk for chemical contamination, but there is no clinical significance yet.

Organic/biodynamic farming: higher risk for contamination with E. Coli if animal waste is used.

2.    Organic/biodynamic farming: more biodiversity, but there is no difference in the soils fertilized

3.    There is no statistical difference in nutrition and component of grapes from conventional or organic farming.

4.    “Nonchemical intervention: of natural wine doesn’t mean an absence of intervention entirely. “Natural” doesn’t mean better quality, but also contains flaws.

5.    Published literature has not yet established any links between the presence of sulfite and headache of hangover.

6.    Using wild yeasts in fermentation means uncontrolled process and higher risk of other microorganism contamination.


Table 1: definition of each wine in vineyard & winery


Commercial wine

(only wines produced in old world are discussed here)

Organic wine

Biodynamic wine

Natural wine


Conventional farming

Organic farming, follow the rules of each country and obtain the official certification

Biodynamic farming 

Unclear definition. Basically it is similar with organic farming, but emphasized less artificial interrupt in vineyard.


Follow the rules in each PDO or PGI.

If the wine would be labeled as each PDO/PGI, the winery must follow the rules in each PDO or PGI.

Unclear definition. Now a private certification can be applied. Producers must follow the relative rules.

Unclear definition. Basic concept: wine produced without adding or removing anything during wine making.



Certification provided by each country. Here are two examples:

1.     EU: https://bit.ly/2BiTf3b

2.     Australia : http://www.aco.net.au/)

Certification provided by private organization (Demeter Association Inc.)

1.     Demeter : https://bit.ly/2Qi2WXT

No official or private certification.


Table 2 Maximum Sulfite Use by Wine Category, 2017 [11]

Wine Category

Maximum Sulfite Use by Wine Category



Commercial wine (conventional farming)

Total maximum measured sulfites at bottling cannot exceed 350 ppm.

l   Red wine: Total maximum measured sulfites at bottling cannot exceed 150 ppm.

l   Whites and rosés: Total maximum measured sulfites at bottling cannot exceed 200 ppm.


Organic wine

l   Organic wine may contain up to 10 ppm of sulfites.

l   Wine made with organic grapes may contain up to 100 ppm of sulfites.

l   Organic wine with less than 2g/l residual sugar:

n   Red: 100 ppm

n   Whites and rosés: 150 ppm

l   Organic wine with more than 2g/l residual sugar:

n   Red: 130 ppm

n   Whites and rosés:  180 ppm

Biodynamic wine

Total maximum measured sulfites at bottling cannot exceed 100 ppm.

l   Wine with less than 5g/l residual sugar:

n   Red: 110 ppm

n   White: 140 ppm

l   Wine with greater than 5g/l residual sugar:

n   Red: 140 ppm

n   White: 180 ppm


Table 3 Concentration (ppm) of total sulfites (free and bound) in foods and beverages [12]


Total concentration (ppm)

Freeze dried, diced green bell peppers


Mixed dried fruit


Golden raisins


Treated lettuce (o.5 oz sodium metabisulphate/ gallon for 1 min)


Instant mashed potatoes


Hashed brown potatoes


Freeze dried peas


Spicy peppers in vinegar


Lemon juice


Treated shrimp (1.25% sodium metabisulfite for 1 min)


Lime juice


High sulfite wine


Low sulfite wine


Cocktail Onions


Wine vinegar


Coconut flakes





1.    https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/organic-farming/what-is-organic-farming/organic-certification_en

2.    http://www.aco.net.au/

3.    https://www.demeter-usa.org/about-demeter/biodynamic-certification-marks.asp

4.    http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/09-077.htm

5.    C. Smith-Spangler, M. L. Brandeau, G. E. Hunter, J. C. Bavinger, M. Pearson, P. J. Eschbach, V. Sundaram, H. Liu, P. Schirmer, C. Stave, I. Olkin, and D. M. Bravata; Annals of Internal Medicine (2012), 157, 348.

6.    L. Carpenter-Boggs, A.C. Kennedy and J. P. Reganold; Soil Science Society of America Journal (2000), 64, 1651.

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8.    https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/

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10. http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290693/whats-the-difference-between-organic-biodynamic-and-natural-wine/

11. Geoffrey Jones and Emily Grandjean; “Creating the Market for Organic Wine: Sulfites, Certification, and Green Values”, p 29.

12. http://www.smarthealthtalk.com/sulfite-containing-foods.html

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為了更有系統地在這國度裡漫遊,開始了Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET)的考照之路。一路上認識了好多志同道合的朋友,也拜許多老師(Sherry, Shelley, Tin-Hsin, Mark)的教導,讓雪莉經過三年的學習,終於完成WSET L3的考試。接下來除了旅遊外,也會在這個小天地分享葡萄酒小知識哦!希望用科學的角度來探索這個感性的國度。





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 agave(此非真正用來釀tequila的blue agave)











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